Maintaining Oral Health During Orthodontic Treatment: Tips for a Successful Journey

Wearing braces is a big investment in your oral health and appearance. Orthodontic treatment can improve your smile, increase your self-esteem, and reduce the risks of many common oral health problems. Here are some helpful tips on activities you should avoid.

Maintaining Oral Health During Orthodontic Treatment: Tips for a Successful Journey

Wearing braces is a big investment in your oral health and appearance. Orthodontic treatment can improve your smile, increase your self-esteem, and reduce the risks of many common oral health problems. If you plan to use braces, you'll likely have questions for our orthodontist about how the treatment will affect your daily life. Here are some helpful tips on activities you should avoid to ensure optimal results from orthodontic treatment.

The dental profession is a profession that can wreak havoc on the back and cause postural problems if not addressed with the right exercises. To prevent and alleviate pain caused by metal wires and braces, the orthodontist can provide you with soft orthodontic wax that is applied to orthodontic appliances as needed. It's always important to maintain good oral hygiene, but it's especially important when you're wearing braces. Exercises that help strengthen a weakened trunk are recommended for those undergoing orthodontic treatment.

A double knee lift or a bent knee position are good starting points.

Frequent Visits to the Orthodontist

Additionally, frequent follow-up visits with the orthodontist are needed, usually every four to six weeks, to monitor progress and adjust the wires to ensure that the teeth move to their final and desired positions. During these visits, the orthodontist can tighten, bend, or replace the thin metal arch that runs from one support to another.

Practicing Good Oral Hygiene

However, that's not to say that wearing braces isn't uncomfortable sometimes, especially after adjusting the cables. Parents should also encourage their children to continue practicing excellent oral hygiene, even in case of discomfort, as it is especially important to keep teeth and gums clean while wearing braces. To ensure optimal results from orthodontic treatment, it is important to follow your orthodontist's instructions carefully and practice good oral hygiene habits.

This includes brushing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and flossing daily. Additionally, it is important to avoid certain activities such as chewing gum or eating sticky foods that can damage braces or cause them to become loose or dislodged.

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