Special Techniques to Use During Orthodontic Treatment

Learn about special techniques for successful orthodontic treatment including brushing twice a day with special dental floss tools and protecting teeth with fluoride during treatment.

Special Techniques to Use During Orthodontic Treatment

Good oral hygiene is essential for successful orthodontic treatment. To ensure your teeth and braces are properly cleaned, use a special dental floss tool designed for orthodontics. It is important to ask if the dentist has had additional education and training to specialize in orthodontics, as general dentists may lack the expertise to move teeth. If you are an adult undergoing orthodontic treatment, it will likely take longer than a child.

Your orthodontist will place all of the braces and help you straighten your teeth. To avoid this, see an orthodontist earlier (around age 7) to correct growth problems before a serial extraction is necessary. During your orthodontic treatment, braces will be placed and temporarily cemented to your teeth. Your orthodontist will work with you to create a retainer and monitor your treatment immediately after you remove your orthodontic appliances. If you notice that a brace is loose or that a wire has slipped out of place, or if you feel unusual discomfort, notify your orthodontist right away. Throughout the 20th century, orthodontists changed their approach from simply straightening the teeth to correcting the entire posture of the structure of the mouth through the growth process.

Metal braces and transparent aligners, such as Invisalign, are just two of the many appliances that an orthodontist can create for you. To protect your teeth with fluoride during orthodontic treatment, your orthodontist may suggest dipping an interproximal brush into a cap filled with fluoride rinse or using a fluoride rinse instead of water in an irrigator. Whether using traditional braces, Invisalign or a mouth guard, all orthodontic appliances help straighten your teeth or keep them straight. All general dentists can perform these treatments, but orthodontists receive additional education to specialize in orthodontics. After dental school, they complete 2 to 3 years of additional studies to specialize in orthodontics. However, premature removal of orthodontic appliances may not be in your best interest in obtaining a stable and functional outcome from orthodontic treatment. See your dentist at least every six months during orthodontic treatment, or more often if recommended.

Your orthodontist will also be able to explain all of these tips and rules to you, so be sure to ask if you have any questions.

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